About me

Welcome to my online portfolio!

My name is Anna and I am a recent English and Creative Writing graduate, looking to make the next steps in my career.

This online portfolio is a way to showcase the projects and skills, that I mention on my CV, as well as a chance to let my creative personality shine through.

If you haven’t had a chance to read my CV, then I am happy to send it to any prospective employer via LinkedIn.

As you might have gathered: I love a creative project.

This website was another mini creative endeavour — designing the home page, drawing those little illustrations and finally getting to see it all come together, was incredibly fun!

I am proud of getting to share my work on here, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well.

Okay, what else?

My former manager always called me “legend” and my current one told me that they would be “happy to have me back” if I ever moved back to Germany, which does not sound like much, but might be one of the greatest German compliments.

I am a native German speaker, but ever since moving to England for university, my brain cannot stop thinking in English. Even my dreams are all in English at this point. I often have to explain slang words to my mother. Some of them stick (everything is an ick to her now) and some of them don’t (she is yet to use slay correctly in a sentence).

I can yap about my favourite topics for ages, including but not limited to: the book that I am currently reading (Think Again by Jaqueline Wilson for nostalgic reasons), pigeons, Taylor Swift lyrics, and the importance of community.

If any of this intrigued you, and you feel like I could be a good fit for your company, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Looking forward to hearing from you!