24-Hour Virgin

By Anna Diedrichsen, Louisa Vander, Ella May Gobern and Hamish Brewster

An excerpt from Scene 1

Sixth form common room. Tobi, Ryan and Josh continue laughing. Elliot enters.


Ryan: Big boy E 

Elliot: Do you know how loud you guys are being?

Josh: Aww. Make you feel like you’re missin’ out, did it?

Elliot: No

Ryan: Mighta done you good. You just missed a demonstration- 

Josh: Yeah, he knows about it. I called him last night

Elliot: Do any of you guys have double art next?

Josh: Told him on the way home, after a solid 20 minutes

Ryan: (genuinely impressed) Woah, fucking hell 

Josh: She was literally begging me to choke her

Ryan: Oh my God, that’s hot. Mine was like that too. She was really into hair, had this thing about me wanting to yank it and shit -

Josh: Oh, shut up mate. You can’t talk. You only lost yours a month ago to an absolute minger 

Ryan: Na, she wasn’t. She had sex appeal

 Josh: Na, just having sex was the appeal

Tobi and Elliot laugh.

Josh: Don’t know why you’re laughing, Virgin

Elliot: Alright- leave it, man

Josh: You’re 18 on Sunday and my little brother gets more action than you

Elliot: You actually remembered? 

Josh: I wouldn’t get too excited

Elliot: You gonna get me a present and everything?

 Josh: You’re the last one in the group out of all of us 

Ryan: The Virgin Mary

Elliot: Actually, there was that one time –

Josh: Don’t even start trying to say/

Elliot: /I literally almost did

Josh: /that you’ve shagged… almost did?

Elliot: I did! Honestly, I was so close - (unsure of himself) we were in her room and she started taking her clothes off so I was like OH… it’s happening, and then I’m taking my clothes off and she’s laying there and then parents walked in on us and ruined the flow. I couldn’t just continue after that - 

Tobi: Both parents?

Josh: What do you mean by “so close”?

Ryan: (to Josh) So close means he went soft 

Elliot: I did not go soft!

Tobi: It happens

Josh: What is “so close” then?

Elliot: Like I said, we took our clothes off and shit, she was on the bed and - I - I was literally over her before we were interrupted, I was ready

Josh: And? When the parents left what stopped you from stepping up, sticking it in and getting it done?

Elliot: I just told you! They walked in and it ruined the flow

Josh: You waited too long

Elliot: I didn’t wait! I was interrupted and they were her parents bro. I don’t think she wanted to carry on after that.

Josh: Crack on by Sunday. I can’t be mates with a wet wipe 

Elliot: Come on Josh. I mean… Sunday. That’s a bit tight 

Josh: Elliot. Life is hard, it’s even harder if you’re weak